Sunday, February 13, 2011

V S2 Ep5 "Concordia"


Even though a 3rd season of this show hasn't been green lit yet, the producers are planning a major cliff-hanger for the end of the 2nd season. I have a feeling that this is an effort on the part of the powers that be to get the fans to create a preemptive campaign to demand a 3rd season of the show. Fan driven campaigns have worked in the past (Jericho).

Here's what TV Guide has to say about "Concordia":
Anna uses a gift to humanity as a cover to hide a fleet of breeding vessels while Eli tries to sway the Fifth Column to assassinate Anna at a gala.
As with the rest of my TV columns this week, I'm not going to be doing a full recap of the episode.  I'll be sharing my thoughts with you at the end of the show.

Orion slave girl Vina played by Susan Oliver
Before I actually get to the meat of this column, I want to express my growing disappointment with this show. For a show about a resistance movement against an alien invasion, the fifth column really hasn't done much over the course of one and a half seasons. There's really no sense of a global resistance like there was in the original V miniseries from the 80's. Another thing I'm disappointed in is the plot line changes. In the original miniseries, the Visitors were abducting humans to use as food. That's some pretty freaky stuff right there. In this iteration of the show, the visitors want to do the horizontal mambo with humans. That's not so scary.  In fact, it's the dream of many a fan of science fiction television ever since Captain James T. Kirk got it on with the green Orion slave girl in Star Trek.

On with the show.

Guest starring tonight is Nicholas Lea (The X-Files) as Tyler's father, Joe Evans.

It's nice to see Erica and Father Jack get on board with the assassination attempt. For someone that is so concerned about her son's safety, she hasn't really shown up to this point that she's willing to do what needs to be done in order to protect humankind from the Visitors. I'm glad to see this change.

The overly elaborate docking stations for the waiting invasion force was pretty cool looking, but how the heck are they going to get built so quickly? Anna told Chad that Concordia was going to be built by human labor. There's no way a bunch of construction workers are going to get these things built as quick as Anna wants them to be built.

Very disappointed in Ryan's choice to believe Anna's line of bull. Ryan should know better, but still chooses to tip off the Visitors about the assassination attempt. At least he didn't (as far as we know) let Marcus and Anna know who exactly was behind the attempt. I guess this is a good out for the writers as we still haven't gotten any resolution of the plot line involving the meetings between Hobbes and Marcus. However, we do know that the Visitors have the technology available to them to bring someone back from the brink of death.

Hobbes is also ticked off at Ryan. Ryan better go back to living on the mother ship.  I don't think he's going to be able to talk himself out of this situation. He just confirmed to Hobbes and Eli that the Visitors can't be trusted.

That's it for this week.  Things are starting to move faster in the V universe.

Favorite Quote:
Jack Landry "They can take my collar, but they can't take my faith."

Until next time,

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